
"Mr. Bernard, what did you say to Bingbing?" Wang Chao asked, his gaze fixed on Bernard, trying to detect any flaws or hidden intentions.

Bernard looked worried and responded, "There was nothing special. We were just discussing the use of the new medicine."

"After we finished talking, she left."

"After she left your office, did she not come back to you? Where did she go? Have you looked for her?"

"Are you sure you only talked about the new medicine?"

"Indeed, we only discussed the new medicine. We didn't talk about anything else."

Bernard spoke sincerely, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "Please don't ask me about this. Hurry and find Miss Shen to see where she went."

"Do you need my help?"

"That's natural. We came to you precisely for your help."

Wang Chao nodded and said, "We want access to all the hospital surveillance footage. Can you arrange that?"