Eerie Sounds

As Wang Chao and Bernard locked eyes in a cold stare, Bernard suddenly burst into laughter, saying, "Mr. Wang, you do love to joke. Your fabricated stories are getting more and more interesting."

"I want to emphasize one thing: I haven't done anything to Shen Bing."

"If you want to investigate, go ahead."

"But, as someone who knows the ropes, let me advise you. Tampering with things in my office here in White Eagle Country is against the law."

"If you dare touch my belongings, you might end up getting arrested."

"Also, I'll remind you again, this is White Eagle Country, not your Dragon Kingdom. My family behind me won't tolerate any reckless behavior from you."

He smiled faintly as he sipped his tea, exuding an air of confidence.

In White Eagle Country, with him and the forces backing him up, even an Eastern dragon would have to bow down.

Wang Chao stared at him in silence.