The Most Dangerous Place is the Safest Place

"Uncle Long said that in any secret room, since people can enter, there must be a door from the outside to open it."

"If there is a door from the outside, unless the lock is on the outside, it is possible to open it from the inside."

"For large prisons, it is also possible to escape through the sewer or ventilation ducts."

"Bingbing, stay calm, you can do it!!"

Shen Bing took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down and carefully observing the surroundings.

After searching for a long time, she finally found the entrance to the sewer.

It was a circular iron cover with several holes on top.

Shen Bing took a deep breath and inserted her fingers into the holes, trying to lift the cover.

Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't lift the heavy cover. After some consideration, she found a ruler and measured the holes.