Being Played

Caesar looked at the area where the old man stood and quickly rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

Was the old man standing there all along?

But how did he see nothing just now?

Was it an illusion, or was there something wrong with his eyes?

The old man walked over from there and carefully examined Caesar before asking in a deep voice, "You're Caesar?"

"Do you know me?" Caesar's eyes widened in astonishment.

"I know a little."

The old man extended his hand and placed it in front of Caesar, "You have a phone with you, right? Let me borrow it for a moment."

Caesar didn't suspect anything and immediately handed over his phone.

The old man took the phone and directly aimed it at the illusion array set up by Wang Chao.

Then, he climbed a tree and took a comprehensive picture of the entire array.

After compressing the photos, he sent them to a private email address.