Sealing Demon Formation

Inside Shen Feng's brain, the spiritual insect continued to writhe, howling, and struggling.

Originally, under the restraint and injury of the Genius Qi needles, it had become smaller and more docile. According to Wang Chao's estimate, it was unlikely to undergo a dangerous transformation in the short term.

However, at this moment, the spiritual insect was struggling as if it had gone mad, howling and roaring continuously. Various abnormal changes were occurring all over its body.

Sharp spikes abruptly sprouted on its once deflated body, now incredibly sharp.

"Oh no!" Wang Chao's expression changed dramatically as he acted immediately, grabbing Shen Feng's head with a large hand and channeling his Genius Qi into Shen Feng's body.

In Shen Feng's brain, Wang Chao's Genius Qi transformed into numerous Genius Qi needles, once again piercing into the spiritual insect's body, severing the newly grown sharp spikes.
