The Blue Giant

After being beaten and humiliated, Caesar, burning with rage, swallowed a blue pill. His pupils exhibited an eerie blue hue.

Initially, the blue was sporadic, but it quickly spread from the center of his pupils to their surroundings like a surging tide, instantly turning his entire irises blue.

Crackle, crackle, crackle!

His body emitted sharp, popping sounds like popcorn exploding, and the clothes on him burst into pieces, ultimately reduced to tatters.

You could clearly see his muscles and tendons underneath his skin writhing like serpents, presenting a horrifying sight, as if harboring unimaginable power.

Simultaneously, his body elongated, and his back grew peculiar, rigid bone spurs.

With these bone spurs emerging on his back, his aura became even more potent than before.

"This!!" Zhang Long, observing Caesar's transformation, was also stupefied. He had never seen anyone change like this in all his years.