The Person Behind Joseph

To be honest, Shen Bing was quite hungry at this point, but she didn't want to eat alone. She preferred to wait for Zhang Long so that they could dine together as a group.

They had come as a team, so it was only fitting that they ate as one as well.

"Of course," Joseph said with a smile.

Soon, Zhang Long returned.

Shen Bing handed him some prepared clothes and looked at the injuries on his body, feeling a bit sorry for him.

She thought of her father, who had gone missing after a similar experience with Zhang Long, and that made her both worried and sorrowful for her father.

"He's used to it, you don't need to worry," Zhang Long comforted her with a smile.

Afterward, he changed into the clothes.

Wang Chao handed Zhang Long a bottle of beverage and asked, "How do you feel now? Relieved?"