Shen Feng Evolution

Red robe messenger!

The man who appeared in Joseph's villa turned out to be the red-robed messenger from the Evil God Society.

As he appeared, an extremely terrifying murderous aura swept over him, giving all the security personnel at the scene goosebumps.

"Stop! Who are you?"

A security guard raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the red-robed messenger, his eyes cold.

"If you dare to come one more step, we will shoot."

At the same time, others quickly raised their firearms and aimed at the red-robed messenger with evil eyes.

Another security guard picked up the radio and said, "This is where the target is. How is the security situation outside? Report it quickly!"

There was no reply on the radio.

"No need to call, everyone outside is dead." The red-robed messenger said coldly.

When the security personnel heard this, their eyes all changed, and they were very frightened.