Shen Feng’s changes

Zhang Long and Liu Yifei were frightened.

Shen Feng was just recovering from a serious illness. He couldn't even run just now and had to be carried by Zhang Long. Now Shen Feng was walking towards Danny. Was he trying to provoke Danny?

At first glance, Danny is a very difficult person to mess with, and Shen Feng is no match for him at all.

"Shen Feng, don't mess around!" Zhang Long quickly went to catch Shen Feng.

However, Shen Feng quickly dodged as if there were eyes on the back of his head.

At the same time, he came to the black man Danny, looked at Danny with sharp eyes, and said in English: "Hello, if my guess is correct, are you here to cause trouble for us?"

His English is as authentic and fluent as if he has lived in White Eagle Country all year round.

Hearing these words, Zhang Long and Liu Yifei were startled, and their eyes became even more astonished.