Conflict breaks out

The murderous man is in the sky!

Sweeping in all directions!

With the Peace Hotel as the center, the murderous aura was so fierce that it shattered many cockroaches and rats, turning them all into blood mist.

The black slave killers were all so shocked that their bodies became cold, their scalps numbed, and they retreated again.

The first to bear the brunt were the four black slaves. They stared at Master Ye, feeling as if they were facing a terrifying murderous god coming out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, which made them all numb. ���.���������������.������

However, it was just a numb scalp.

As black slave killers, each of them crawled out of hell, their hands were covered in blood, and they had killed countless times. How could they be frightened so easily?

Danny stared at Master Ye, "What do you mean? Do you really want to start a war with us?"