He wants to kill us

After Gatsby shook hands with Joseph and then with Shen Bing and others, his eyes were confused, "Joseph, are you kidding?"

As far as he knew, Joseph rarely did business with people from the Dragon Kingdom.

However, now Joseph not only does business with the Dragon Kingdom people, he even drags Shen Bing and others to this occasion and introduces Shen Bing and others to him.

This is very unusual!

It shows that Shen Bing and others hold a very important position in Joseph's heart!

Joseph looked serious and said solemnly: "President Shen will be the most important partner of our Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group in the future. Maybe our Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group will have to rely on President Shen's connections in the future."

Gatsby was so smart that he immediately understood the meaning of Joseph's words.

This clearly means that he regards Shen Bing as his backer and is particularly fawning over Shen Bing.