Red Robe Messenger, breaking through to the divine realm

Puff puff! !

Under Fulutula's bombardment, the floor cracked inch by inch, turning into pieces of rubble that shot out in all directions like a violent storm.

This kind of stone is endless and no corner has been spared.

Wang Chao was too fast, and they couldn't catch him with their naked eyes. They could only use this method to force Wang Chao to show up.

At the same time, Red Robe Messenger also released the Gu worms he had worked so hard to cultivate again, turning into clouds of black mist, surrounding himself.

He also has his own method for judging Wang Chao's speed and attack direction.

But, this method doesn't work.

After all the gravel flew out, there was no first reaction from the surroundings. The stone did not touch anything at all, not even the shadow.


Red Robe Messenger and Fulutula both changed their faces.