Weird Young Man

Wang Chao was stunned on the spot while holding the Red Robe Messenger.

He never thought that Jessica would do such a thing to him.

Kelly and the two Great King-level masters were also stunned.

What is Jessica doing?

Kiss Wang Chao, a married man?

Jessica had calmed down a bit at this time, and quickly let go of Wang Chao, wiped her mouth, and explained: "Wang Chao, actually, I..."

She had been blaming herself and feeling guilty just now. She felt that Wang Chao might have died because of her, and she felt extremely guilty.

After seeing Wang Chao come back safe and sound, she was so excited that she couldn't control her body immediately, rushed over and kissed Wang Chao.

Now that she calmed down, she immediately blushed, her face red and her heart beating.