Killing without blood

Liu Xiangqing clenched his fists and his eyes became extremely scarlet.

He has been involved in the business world for so many years, from the Dragon Kingdom to the White Eagle Country. He has experienced countless storms and waves, and has always stood firm. He has never been treated like a monkey in this way.

As a result, now he is humiliated by a rising star!

This is absolutely unforgivable to him.

A cold murderous intent flashed through his eyes as he stared at Shen Bing.

"Mr. Liu, what's your look like?" Wang Chao's eyes turned cold.

His sense of murderous intent was extremely keen, and he immediately noticed Liu Xiangqing's hostile murderous intent.

"It's nothing. Thank you Mr. Liu for the reminder. I will definitely be careful in the future."

When Liu Xiangqing heard this, his heart trembled. He quickly put away the hostility in his eyes, smiled slightly, nodded to Shen Bing, and then turned around and left.