
Clark originally stood aside and watched, but after hearing Wang Chao's words, his expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

He originally wanted to run away, but those who followed Kelsen stared at him and refused to let him leave.

Now that Wang Chao said this, he felt burning pain in his face, as if he had been slapped in public.

"A bet? What bet?" Xiao Beichen asked in confusion.

"Mr. Xiao, you don't know something. Before you arrived, Mr. Clark of the Hausman family had a bet with President Shen."

One of the big guys stood up and explained everything that happened here to Xiao Beichen.

Xiao Beichen heard this and said to Kelsen: "Master Kelsen, a man, should you keep your word?"

After Kelsen heard this, he immediately understood. He turned to stare at Clark and said, "Clark, now that the outcome has been decided, you should be willing to admit defeat."