People who can understand the language of animals

Kelsen almost went crazy!

As the top leader of City B for so long, he has always been the one who can call upon the wind and rain, turning his hands to make clouds and turning his hands to make rain.

In this city, no matter which force is in control, they must be respectful when they see him.

Even Great King-level masters would nod, bend, and fawn upon him when they saw him.

However, now his identity has become invalid!

Those people lurking outside are simply crazy!

After he cursed loudly, he quickly said to Wang Chao and others: "Mr. Wang, President Shen, it is extremely dangerous outside now. You must not go out."

Even a leader like him dares to shoot. If Wang Chao and others go out, they will probably be beaten into a hornet's nest.

"Found out."