Whose Sword Qi?

On the suburban highway in city B, a bulletproof car was speeding toward a more distant mountain road.

Wang Chao stood on the roof of the car, with his hands in his pockets and his eyes like knives.

The howling wind blew his hair back and his clothes rustled.

At this moment, an owl was hovering above their car, following closely behind their car, gliding all the way.

Xiao Beichen sat in the passenger seat, opened the window, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, we have detected it. Three Great King-level masters are chasing us."

"At the same time, there are three Great King-level masters guarding us ten kilometers ahead."

"Six kilometers ahead, there are four Great King-level masters waiting for us."

"Fifteen kilometers away, three armed helicopters are also flying here. I believe they will be here in less than five minutes."