The phone was blown up

As the controller of the Dark Night Corps, Wang Chao did not know how much money the Dark Night Corps had.

However, he has ridden on the Dark Night Corps' most luxurious battleship and flown the world's most advanced fighter jets.

He had stayed at the military base of the Dark Night Corps and had seen some of the most luxurious things in the Dark Night Corps.

Compared with those things, the aviation battleship in front of me is just an ordinary large toy.


"Small battleship?"

"Don't make a fuss?"

Hearing what Wang Chao said, Shen Bing, Liu Yifei, Zhang Long and Shen Feng immediately turned to look at Wang Chao with astonishment in their eyes.

They are all well-informed and wealthy people who have seen the world, but when they saw such a luxurious building like this aircraft carrier, they were all shocked.

They were also shocked when they learned that the Dark Night Corps was so rich.