Reap the consequences


Gao Jun's eyes were scarlet as he watched the iron nails flying toward the rough stone, but he could do nothing. He could only watch helplessly, his eyes extremely desperate.

If the original stone is destroyed, they will fail.

Once it fails, Nantianmen Jade Market will no longer be able to go further or go further, and all efforts will be in vain.

Gao Yi also looked pale, but the speed of the iron nails was too fast, and they couldn't stop him at all, so they could only watch like this.

This despair and powerlessness drove them almost crazy.

"Hehe..." Zhang Tianyuan sneered.

He is particularly confident in his hidden weapon skills!

Moreover, he also made tricks on the iron nails. As long as the iron nails touch the original stone, they can absorb all the spiritual energy in the original stone.

As long as the spiritual energy in the original stone is gone, the jade or other gems inside will also disappear.