Big Brawl

Wang Chao was a little angry.

Ye Shanhe was standing aside just now and witnessed the whole process. He should know that Zhang Tianyuan was the one who stirred up trouble, and Zhang Tianyuan was the culprit of everything.

As a result, Ye Shanhe stood up to add insult to injury, accused him, and wanted to disqualify him from the competition.

It's simply despicable!

"Mr. Wang, I just saw with my own eyes that you broke Mr. Zhang's wrist. I'm just telling the truth." Ye Shanhe said calmly.

Zhang Tianyuan did not expect that Ye Shanhe would say that. He was overjoyed and immediately said to the soldier: "Sir, look, I have a witness here."

"According to the rules and regulations here, Wang Chao must be disqualified from the competition and let him..."

Before he could say the word "Go", the soldier suddenly took action and slapped him hard on the face.