I abstain

Following the host's words, all the contestants in the ten groups stopped.

At this moment, everyone outside the venue was shocked. They all stared at the scene in front of them with their eyes wide open and their mouths open.

In those ten groups of booths, there were all fierce fights and fights.

In addition to Zhang Tianyuan being killed, some people were also killed, dripping with blood.

Some people couldn't beat each other and were knocked away directly, covered with bruises.

There were only seven people who could stand at the scene intact and safe.

Wang Chao, Ye Shanhe, Li Zhihe, Ma Kun, Chen Zhizhang, a sinister young man with long hair and extremely cold eyes, and a very handsome woman with a curvy figure.

Others were either lying in a pool of blood or dead.

Only these six people stood there holding three rough stones in their hands.

Many stalls at the scene were soaked in blood.