Wang Chao Must Die

Sikong Yizhen was stunned when he saw the check.

All the people buying handicaps at the scene were also stunned.

One hundred million!

The words are written clearly in black and white, a series of zeros.

In addition, there is also the company's seal, indicating the authenticity of the check.

Everyone at the scene raised their heads and looked at Shen Bing.

Just one glance, and all those men were fascinated.

Shen Bing is so beautiful!

Especially during this period of time, under the influence of Wang Chao's love, she gained a mature feminine charm, adding a touch of charm than before.

She stood there, looking like the most beautiful picture, so beautiful that it overwhelmed the whole country, and so beautiful that it was so thrilling.

Every move shows charming charm.

Her bright eyes, white teeth, and skin that could be broken by a blow made all those men fascinated.