The earth changes drastically and spiritual energy revives?

The heaven and earth shook!

The mountains tremble!

Zong Kui approached step by step, and the terrifying momentum made both Wang Chao and Long Yuan feel an extreme pressure.

"You alone want to kill us? Mr. Zong Kui, are you kidding a little bit?" Wang Chao laughed dumbly.

Zong Kui sneered and said: "Wang Chao, I admit that your strength is indeed very powerful. It is indeed very laborious to kill you."

"But since this is the exit of our Divine Land, I'm not the only one here."

"Guys, show up!"

Following his cold shout, terrifying auras appeared in all directions of the snow-capped mountains.

"Is this the aura of Divine Realm Cultivator?" Long Yuan's expression changed.

Just one Zong Kui already made him feel extremely terrifying. Now if there were multiple Divine Realm Cultivators, they would be in deep siege.