Resisting Nuclear Bombs

Countless missiles and nuclear bombs were like sharp swords, tearing through the sky and flying towards the Antarctic ice cave.

Densely packed!

So vast!

Each nuclear bomb has a thick white tail trailing behind it, which looks even more shocking.

What's going on here? Why are there so many missiles? "

"Oh my God, is there going to be a world war?"

"Quick, hide in the air-raid shelter."

These nuclear bombs flew through the air at extremely fast speeds. The scene made the residents of many cities panic.

Countless people were extremely frightened and quickly rushed into the city's air-raid shelters to hide.

This is a nuclear bomb!

Once it falls in the city, it will turn the entire city into ruins and cause countless casualties.


"Why were so many nuclear bombs launched? Are you crazy? If all the Antarctic glaciers were blown up, all mankind would be doomed."