396: An Abrupt Change (Tenth Bonus Chapter)

As Selene watched her master, a tier 2, slaughter hundreds of monsters and two tier 4 monsters with ease, she could not help but question her sanity.

The first surprising thing she saw was Corey using a skill that was similar to her skill- Dance of The Lighting Valkyrie.

Although the skills were not the same at all, there were some similarities. It also felt like Corey's skill was better than hers.

Aside from this, she then saw Corey, as a tier 2, destroy the defensive skill of the tier 4 goat with ease after he used another skill of ease.

The most surprising part of the battle between her master and the herd of goats was when her master teleported to the last tier 4 goat, and then he grabbed it. The tier 4 goat shook intensely after Corey grabbed it, and then its rocky skin cracked before it then died.

After the death of the tier 4 goat, her master stomped her feet on the ground and the ground trembled intensely, almost like an earthquake.