463: A Little Mistake and Oversight

Despite the fact that Pamela erased the traces of the battle between Gunnarr, and both Corey and her, to a near perfect state, there was something which she overlooked.

Gunnar's blood that was under Selene's shoes.

After Corey cut off Gunnarr's head, the head rolled towards Selene, and his blood flowed underneath her shoes. Although Corey had taken the head, and Pamela had destroyed all the blood with runes, what she and Corey did not account for was the blood underneath Selene's shoes.

However, to be fair, there was no way Pamela and Corey would suddenly realize and remember that Selene's shoes were stained with Gunnarr's blood despite their insanely high mental faculties.

Unfortunately for the trio, this little mistake and oversight would cause them to encounter Raegar Anacletus.
