576: Divine Riggs

After hearing that twelve of the elite Chosens were gathering people to participate in a raid against the Throne, Divine knew that he, Corey, and Melissa could not ignore the battle against the Throne or take it with levity.

Corey and Melissa had no idea who the Chosens Prince Zeran mentioned were, but he knew, and he also knew something very crucial about each of these Chosens.

In his mind, he had already decided in his mind that he was going to participate in the battle against the Throne, with or without joining Prince Zeran. What he just needed was information from the Prince.

According to the Prince, they got to learn of the Throne in the underground ruins of a large Temple of the Old Ones. He admitted that the ruins were a dangerous place, and the only reason why they were able to explore the ruined temple successfully was because they were a lot.