591: Burn

After running for approximately eight minutes, Corey stood in front of the Stairs of Ascension with a tinge of awe and immense curiosity in his eyes.

He knew he was on a timer but the sight of the Stairs of Ascension was so grand to the point that even Corey needed to take a break in order to admire its beauty, aura, and simply everything.

Although the Stairs of Ascension was just large golden stairs that seemingly had no end in the skies, there was something about it that was just… otherwordly about it, even to Corey.

"The Underworld Emporium, the Mountain of Metals, the Eternal Waterfall, Azgul Fortress, and now the Stairs of Ascension… I've seen a lot of wondrous places and sights ever since I was captured into the Underworld." A light smile of mockery appeared on Corey's lips as he said these words.