110: Evan vs Hellish Creatures!

Evan's eyes sparked with excitement as he surveyed the intimidating figures that have from the looks of it undoubtedly come to take his life.

Their insidious thought was written all over their faces.

"Whoa, talk about a warm welcome party! I didn't expect to meet sources of EXP so soon," Evan exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. 

Evan was aware that his every move was being broadcasted to the clan by the Monster Tower. However, the broadcast did not include his voice, which meant he could speak his mind without any worry.

Anyway, he knew he was going to have a thrilling time defeating them.

These beasts were at a high level, which meant he could earn plenty of EXP by taking them down.

It was clear that their arrival was not perceived as a threat but a free gift sent by the Goddess that would aid him in leveling up.