_ Hello Butler Bealfire

She walked to the palace of Prince Cargan, praying that she doesn't bump into the Prince or the Royal Advisor. Thankfully, she didn't. This time, the security guards did not stop her. They probably recognized her already but shouldn't they like to query her for coming back after she only just left about an hour ago?

Perhaps, they thought she was still on an errand for the Prince. She would not wonder why they recognized her still because her hair and eyes would easily fish her out from a mob.

She walked into the elevator and alighted on the fifth floor. Unlike the first floor where she just passed, the fifth floor seemed a bit crowdy. Afina saw some maids walking about, and security guards too.

The office of Butler Baelfire was full of life.

This time, the stares she got from the high house workers as she walked past were not just because of her hair and eyes. It was also birthed by her uniform.