_ A favor leaves the favored indebted

The butler laughed at Afina's hiccup. He probably knew her uneasiness.

"Relax," he said to her. "I will only require from you an easy favor." he finalized, chuckling.

Afina had no idea if to trust this man's words and indeed relax. She wanted to look no more naive than she already seemed to him.

"Please, state your request, sir. I will try my all to make it come to pass just send me home." Afina told him then hated herself for sounding desperate.

The Butler nodded, he seemed ready to prolong the discussion. Makes Afina wonder if he had no other business to tend to.

"Firstly, your presence back at home, if what difference will it make?" he inquired, his brows raised in what?


Gia had asked her the same question and she had also asked herself. But she only knew of one answer and she told it to the Butler.