_ Wake up Afina!

Promising herself to not allow him to get to her the same way he did on the bus, Afina shrugged her body away from his.

Her shoes have landed on the floor so, the mission of hitting him on the head with the heels had gone down the drain.

She could only tap his head aggressively as she began to rain curses on him, already forgetting the cameras in the air capturing the moment.

"You thieving son of a monster!" she began, enraged. "You stole my quilt and letter yet you dare to be so nonchalant about it!" she hollered.

"Ms. Blue, is he a thief?" the pork vendor interrupted with a 'ready to fight' gaze.

Afina turned to answer the man. "He is a homeless manipulating asshole! He stole from me," she affirmed, her whole body shaking with annoyance.

The people around were beginning to murmur indistinctly.

"Is that true young man?" he demanded from the thief.