_ The suffering of one is the suffering of all

If only Fionn knew that more than anything now, he also wanted to end the conversation.

"My condition is that I will give the high house scholar to Adramelech if he will agree to marry her," Cargan announced.

As quiet as a graveyard, the room was for a while until Fionn did his thing.

He laughed harder this time, slumping on the bed and the king-size mattress vibrating under.

Cargan knew the reason behind his laughter he would show his brother that he meant every word.

"I guess you just lied to Morena because your laughter will do nothing but prolong this already boring conversation." he sarcastically pointed out.

If one saw how fast Fionn ceased the laughs, they would be convinced he was listening to Cargan.

Cargan, however, knew Fionn would die first before not grasping the sarcasm in his tone.

"I never lie to Morena, brother. She knows even more than I do." Fionn said.