_ Lo and behold, heaven!

He stood in an open field. It was one with blossomed flowers and grasses. The outstanding green grasses and colorful flowers were aesthetic.

The spring itself had heated the land and daises peeked through the pea-green grasses before his very eyes.

The different kinds of colorful spring breed flowers were brighter than a rainbow and as he looked around, he could see daffodils, crocus, tulips, and all kinds of earthy flowers.

The yellowness of the daffodils was playing a trick on the eye. They looked as though they were ducklings playing around in a pond. It was amazing.

There was a unique smell in the air, it became surreal so much so that it almost tasted like vanilla on his tongue even if he wasn't tasting it.

The vision was so entrapping that he could taste the sight on his tongue

But when he looked around, he found that alas! The delectable fragrance was none other than the smell of plants spurring to life.