_ A funeral for dead Ophelia

"Prince Cargan!" the press outside of the graveyard gates roared but unlike in the palace, they could not walk into the graveyard except be by its gates.

Again, the bodyguards safeguarded him all the way into the high house graveyard. The divine persons inside of it were on their feet with heads bowed in receiving him.

The cameras never ceased flashing and so were the roars of noises from the press outside.

The chairs were sectioned into four segments. A section held the high house scholars.

The divine girls would forever never fail to meet his expectations of them. There were probably seventeen or eighteen of them – he had no time to count.

Their dark blue skirts rhymed with the white shirts they wore. The girls were carefully selected elegant girls with great physiques.

They all had all the better parts of their long legs left uncloaked by their high house skirts which barely covered any flesh on their thighs.