_ The royal party with the dark motive

Before any of them could speak, Adramelech had already spoken.

"I need the High House scholar, brothers. Or I'm going to suffer next month. I don't have any cure!" he firmly stated.

"No, brother. You don't need her. If you fall sick, you will be cured. After all, you are the chosen one!" Esen sarcastically pointed out.

Cargan could laugh if he wasn't worried about the crowd awaiting in the party.

That didn't stop the other from laughing though.

Turned out Fionn didn't find it funny.

He stood up making just him and Cargan on their feet. "Brothers, I am not saying Adramelech is telling the truth but I can't afford that risk. After all, he falls sick for even more than half of the month before whatever the hell is curing him cures him. That places a huge impact on me too. I can't afford to be sick again." he paused and closed his eyes then opened them again.