_ Ma. Danice’s rotten potato

Ma. Danice raised her walking stick which even Afina hadn't noticed when she picked it up. She had been walking without it earlier.

Nevertheless, she picked it up and began to go after Norah.

"Don't you raise your voice at me!" She threatened, reaching for her.

Afina wanted to laugh at Ma. Danice's pace at first. The old woman was trying to run after Norah who had begun to shift away from her but was merely dragging herself on the floor.

The old woman looked like a wrinkled pack of gifts being so childish like that.

"Get her away from me, Blue!" Norah cried, still running around.

Instead of laughing, Blue reached out for Ma. Danice and in the pretense of hugging her, she held the woman in place.

"Norah was only being silly, Ma. Danice. Pay no heed to her." She cooed the woman even tighter.

It was until she felt the old woman's shoulders drop in surrender that she let go.