_We are not your real parents



Before he saw her float in his cultivation pool that would have sucked in any mundane, he could already feel her presence, seemingly warring for dominance over his own aura in the pool.

She was not a divine person. That much had proved that now. However, what she truly was remained a puzzle. Yet, Cargan believed strongly that she was their mother's spy. Especially since they just discovered their mother's presence in the sinful world.

He had rushed through his duty that morning, happy to rid of Selena's loud moans. Now that the stress had all piled up, he couldn't even fathom having to have sex later in the evening.

Sex was like poison to him this time. What if his mother had planted his end in his next wife? They even needed to scour for three more divine girls — all thanks to his mother.

She was a bitch!