_Giada La Nasa



Ever since the day he left Cargan's High House, his life hadn't remained the same. There was nothing he could do without her coming through his mind.

He became a stalker. He seacrhed the internet for her. For maybe even a picture or a video or some other things expected of daughters from wealthy homes like herself but found one.

It was an old picture of her probably at six. She didn't smile in it too.

Now, when Cargan said she was a traitor, he knew the next thing to do was her to get executed. He didn't want that. He found that he'd rather die than watch her get killed.

Celio was leading him to her cell now. What Adramelech liked about Celio was his nonjudgmental gaze. They walked through the dimly lit corridors of the prison, their footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls. "Why is she in this kind of prison?" Adranelech asked as a strong foul stench attacked his nose.