
"The traitor, is she your only friend?" He asked, still feeding her the food.

Afina hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting slightly before meeting Prince Cargan's eyes. "No, she's not my only friend," she replied softly. "My maid, Gia, was more like a friend to me than anyone else in the High House. But Giada — she was the only High House Scholar who ever showed me kindness."

Prince Cargan paused, considering her words. "You must miss your maid, Gia," he remarked gently, sensing the longing in her voice.

Afina nodded, a pang of sadness crossing her features. "Yes," she admitted quietly. "I miss her a lot."

Stunning Afina, Prince Cargan leaned closer. "Would you like to see her?" he inquired, his eyes narrowed.

A spark of delight flickered in Afina's eyes at the unexpected offer. "Oh, yes! I would love to see Gia," she exclaimed, her face brightening at the thought.