_ RIP to the fallen

Bor didn't argue with Adramelech. Since he was the only one not resisting her, he was able to move and speak as he liked.

He cooed like a baby. "When you all come to the other side, you will understand. You will understand that this life we have been living is hell. I will see you all soon." He finished with a smile.

Cargan's heart melted. His brother's smile as a baby was so beautiful that it forced a tear out of his eyes. "There is nothing at the other side, Bor. Mother has lied to you. Please, resist her."

"Shhh…" The Mistress of Seduction cut in. "Look at this." She raised a hand and something as red as blood materialized on it. It was burning with flame and had the shape of a horn. "This is more precious than you can imagine." Her voice suddenly grew melancholic. "It took your father his freedom for us to get this."

What was it that they were seeing? All of the Heaven's Descendants' eyes shone widely. Was that…
