_ Loyal One

"I have ordered for Blue to be taken to my most hidden cabin. I will text the address to you right now. Please, go there and protect Blue at all costs. She is there with her family. I hope to solve this mess so that you all can live happily." Cargan said, tears in his eyes.

Fionn hesitated. "B – brother. Are you handing Blue over to me?"

"Is that what it seems like?" Cargan asked, wiping off the tears in his eyes. "Well, let's just say the older brother is stepping down and allowing his little brother happiness. You know, Fionn, I love you most of all of our brothers. I see you suffer the most among us all and I have always been saying it. I have made a vow since that if I ever lay my hands on the cure first, I'd give it to you. I guess this is me fulfilling that promise."