_ How Astor Found Love



Ever since peace had been restored once again and the new treaty rule from the Queen herself was that they must all have successors, Astor had been restless.

He had never imagined finding love with his curse. Especially now that everyone knew about their curses. He had at the same time promised himself that whoever would birth his child must be one who truly loved him and who he truly loved.

The problem was how to find that one person.

He had aged through the course of the years. His immortality was gone. Adramelech's immortality was gone too. Only Fionn was able to acquire the cure from the Queen and they were all happy about it.

He had made peace with his situation. He eagerly awaited his death. Growing old, having kids, a family – he wanted all of that now. He was done with his reckless lifestyle. It was time to prepare for the end.