


Raindrops fell on the metal ceiling, creating an echoing noise that filled the entire place. Around twenty people huddled inside the room.

Thunderstorms broke past the threshold of the heavens, dancing upon the clouds as rumbling noises rolled out from the depths of the sky. It created an eerie atmosphere.

There was no light in the room. The only source of light was the flickering thunder as its light passed through the opened window.

As soon as another thunderstorm rolled about, a teenager yelled, "Wahhh, what's this? Where am I?!"

His voice seemed to have pushed forth the suppressed traces of fear as another voice broke out. This time, it was a woman who spoke tremblingly, "Why did you bring me here….? I-I don't have anything. Please… take my phone and let me go."

After that, she sobbed.

But no one voiced a single word to calm them down. A few more people yelled and sobbed, but others remained calm as a statue. Among them, a white-haired guy, waist-long and silky at that, stood out. A teardrop-like mole at the corner of his eye gave him a foxy look as he looked about his surroundings in confusion.

He squinted his black eyes, trying to see clearly, but he failed. Then he raised his hand, rubbed his eyes, and squinted a bit more.

Nope, still blurry.

Then he checked the pockets of his pajamas, only to curse under his breath.

Damn it… He didn't have his specks.

Suddenly, someone from behind clicked his tongue. "Newcomers. Always a nuisance."

Another familiar voice chuckled. "Baby, don't forget, you were also a newcomer once."

The corners of the white-haired man's mouth twitched. Even in this bizarre event, he still ended up encountering those two behind him.

He knew he had suddenly arrived in a strange place. Earlier, he was just about to lay on his bed when his surroundings changed and he appeared at this place.

But the thing that irritated him the most was his missing glasses!

The cold voice behind him spoke again. "What are you doing?! We have just entered the instance!"

"Ouch!" The other guy seemed to have been hit as he spoke the next words, sounding wronged to death: "Xiao Min, I just wanted a kiss."

"Then do it! Why do you have to bite my neck?!"

The white-haired guy pursed his lips, trying his best to ignore his presence.

What were these two dog food-spreading couples doing here? They were recently married and still in their honeymoon phase. Of course, it's not like he was ignoring them because he had a bad relationship with them. It was the opposite.

They were his friends from his world, but the only reason he didn't immediately greet them was because of their habit of spreading dog food anywhere and everywhere in plenty.

His single heart, which had been broken into pieces because of an incident in the past, couldn't take it anymore. Their kisses and glances reminded him of the things he missed.

So he started ignoring their invites, and later, they didn't even bother calling him, and it had been going on for weeks.

Now, suddenly encountering these people, the white-haired guy was ignoring….

Was too awkward.

Just as he was wondering if he should go and stand in another inconspicuous corner, thunder rolled about again as the light flashed inside, directly on his face.

The cold voice behind him suddenly spoke, "Hey, Ah Jin, don't you think he looks familiar?"

"Yeah, he looks like…."

"Xie Ai…."


The white-haired guy's lips twitched for the second time. They were indeed talking about him.

He gave up on further ignoring them and sighed, turning around and giving them a small, forced smile. "Hello, guys."

The two sides stared at one another in the darkness as another rumbled. The guy named Ah Jin, with blond hair and blue eyes, finally couldn't help himself and leaned against his lover, laughing until his stomach hurt.

"Why, ah? Even after coming here, you still want to ignore us?"

Xiao Min quietly nudged his lover on the stomach and cleared his throat. "Is this your first time?"

Xie Ai nodded, pursing his lips. Since he couldn't ignore them, he might as well ask what the heck was going on.

Before he could open his mouth, Xiao Min raised his brows and opened his mouth. His red eyes were filled with interest. "You're awfully quiet for a newcomer."

"Right," Ah Jin said, "I had always thought if Xie Ai ever came to this place, he would end up crying and sobbing. How come you're so quiet? Aiya, you make me lose my face. But well, don't worry! We're—"

"Shut up!" Xiao Min finally spoke as veins popped on his forehead. "Or else, I'll kiss you right here."

"Then why don't you do it?"

"You guys…." Xie Ai wanted to cry. "Please, have some mercy on me. I don't want you both to remind me of my past."



The three of them went unnaturally silent. Finally, Xiao Min sighed and said, "I'm sorry for what my dead brother did to you. I can never make it up to you."

"Hah, you're joking, aren't you?" Xie Ai's beautiful, emerald eyes filled with anger at the mention of a certain ex who died a few months ago. "What he did to you is much worse than this. Let's not mention him again."

"Uh, why don't we discuss this place?" Ah Jin finally couldn't take this awkward atmosphere anymore and said, "Actually, Xie Ai, you don't have to worry. Just stick with us, and we'll handle everything.

"Or…. maybe we should tell you our first experience. You see, I was the first to come here. Xiao Min came later. So I could guide him through. But, seriously, you should've seen his face when he transmigrated. It was so funny! I wish I had a camera to snap his picture.

"Well, you're lucky to have two of us helping you… Oh wait, Xie Ai, where are your glasses?"

The white-haired man clicked his tongue. "So you finally noticed I don't have glasses."

His voice was filled with sarcasm.

Xiao Min scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, raising his chin arrogantly. "Ah Jin, do me a favor and tape your mouth until the end of this instance. Thank you."

Ah Jin made a lip-zipping gesture and remained quiet.

Just as Xie Ai was about to ask more, he heard the sound of footsteps echoing in the background. Someone was walking toward the room and stopped in front of the brown, ugly door with several broken spots. Water spilled into those spots.

Thunder struck the clouds once again. The man who was standing outside could be seen through those broken spots on the door. He was wearing black robes. An eerie silence spread around the place as the door knob opened.

The man outside walked in swiftly and pulled down the hood. He had a scar right across his face as his hair was tied around his head. He held an umbrella in one hand while the other hand kept holding the lantern, filtering the yellowish light.

"So, you guys are finally here. Come with me. Let me show you to your rooms."

Just as he was about to turn around, the teenager, who had just been sobbing a while ago, raised his head and grabbed the hooded guy's collar. "Why keep us here?! Who are you? You'd better return us to our houses! I'm calling the police!"

"You don't want to come with me?" The man with a scar spoke and tilted his head.

"Why should I agree with the kidnapper, huh?!" The teenager was so angry that he failed to notice the strange darkness flooding in from the depths of the man with a scar. "You're all dead. Do you even know who my father is? Let's see if you can still dare to breathe after this! I—"

A burst of pain across his neck stopped his words. He lowered his head and noticed a sword in the man's hands, right on his neck. Blood splattered everywhere, especially on the man's face.

The woman who was sobbing back there suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs. She didn't dare speak a single word.

The man with a scar pushed the teenager's dying body to the ground and raised his head, glancing at others. "Since you guys don't have a problem, come with me."