The Little Ghost Saves The Day

As they were all searching the shrine, Xie Ai, who was busy checking out the broken deity, stumbled and fell to the ground. Blame it on his impaired vision for not seeing what was on the ground.

It was useless for him to continue searching. He might as well get up and sit back, letting the other two continue their search.

He sat on the ground, rubbed his legs, and looked at the thing that made him fall. Even though it wasn't clear, it seemed to be some kind of handle or something.

He used his hand and touched it slightly, checking if he were right.

Dust settled on his palms because of the handle, but he didn't bother with it anymore. He slightly tugged it, only to hear a clicking noise in the background. He frowned as Yu Weimin and Qi Jingguo also arrived behind him.

"What's up with you?" Qi Jingguo looked over and was surprised to find a handle. He clicked his tongue. "Even with such blurry vision, you did manage to find evidence. Not bad."

Xie Ai ignored the talkative marshal and looked over at the other, reliable party. "What should we do?"

"Break it, of course." Yu Weimin pulled something out of thin air. It looked like an iron bar with a hook. "This will work."

Without asking anyone for help, he bent over and directly hooked the handle into the bar, using his strength to pull the handle toward himself. Qi Jingguo also came forward and hugged his lover from behind, placing his hands on the iron bar and using strength.

Even though Yu Weimin said nothing, the tips of his ears turned red.

Xie Ai: "....."

They even managed to feed him dog food in this situation. Great!

Xie Ai averted his eyes and looked around, trying his best to avoid watching those two once again. Suddenly, the door unlocked with a click as the two holding the iron bar fell back onto the ground, with Yu Weimin on top of his lover.

Qi Jingguo chuckled. "You like this position, don't you?"

Yu Weimin said nothing and immediately got up.

Since this place wasn't good for their 'romance,' even the other shut his mouth and got up.

"You guys, can you stay without flirting when the situation is serious?" Xie Ai bent over and looked at the hole that was created after unlocking the door. "Who's going to go down?"

Yu Weimin looked at the white-haired young man and sighed. "You can stay here. You're useless anyway, even if you go." He paused and pulled out a button. "This is like our pager. Whenever you're in some trouble during the instance we are having together, just press the button."

Xie Ai's eyes squinted, but he nodded and took the thing in the other's hands, sitting back and waving his hand in the air. "Go, go. I don't want to see your faces. Do whatever you want in the darkness."

Yu Weimin coughed, "That's not-"

"Will do!" Qi Jingguo was grinning as he hurriedly pulled his lover and directly jumped.

"You-- Ah Jin! Don't hug me too tight!" And his voice faded after that as they disappeared into the dark.

Xie Ai sighed and sat there, hugging his knees. At this time, a faint five-year-old ghost stood next to him as he looked at the man's sad appearance. Then he also sat beside the other, hugging himself in a similar way.

He pursed his small lips. "I see… You like hugging, but I don't have enough power to make myself big anymore. I wish…."

Just then, a sound echoed from the outside—the sound of footsteps. It wasn't a regular sound and seemed more like someone was dragging their feet on the ground.

Xie Ai's entire body froze as his breathing turned rapid. Even the little ghost froze as his face paled even more. He looked at the big brother beside him and then turned toward the door of the shrine. His eyes shook in fear.

What was that sound? And why did it have to come when the other two weren't around?

He hesitated before pressing the button, but no matter how hard he pressed, the signal seemed to have been cut off. As indicated on the small device, it should have glowed red if rejected and green if received. But when he pressed just now, neither of the colors showed on the surface beside the button.

His heart sank as his hands trembled. He curled up even more as he covered his mouth with his trembling hands. Beads of cold sweat were rolling down his temples.

The little ghost couldn't see his situation. So he walked out, standing right in front of the broken deity. "Stop."

The ghost seemed to have stopped. Xie Ai couldn't hear what the little ghost said, but he found it strange to see that the thing dragging its legs stopped all of a sudden. There was an eerie silence spreading across the place, making him tremble from head to toe.

Silence won't be any good, especially in a horror situation. Xie Ai trembled even further as he took deep breaths to calm himself. He shut his eyes, even stopping his breathing for a moment, not to make the newcomer cautious.

The person's voice seemed to be a female's as she laughed out loud. Her voice didn't sound like that of the little boy's mother. Then she said, "Little boy, he can't even see you, and you still want to help him? You're3 stupid. Don't you know you'll disappear?"

Xie Ai was stunned. By hearing the words 'little boy,' he didn't have to think too much to realize who that newcomer ghost was talking about. Who else could it be if not Yu Chen?

So that person was protecting him at the expense of his own life? But why?

Xie Ai pursed his lips, but he still couldn't fully believe it. Of course, how could he trust his own ex, who had hurt him a million times, making him feel even more terrible than dying? Despite not being able to move on, he still couldn't fully trust that person.

There would always be a thought lingering in the depths of his heart, cautioning him against trusting the man ever again.

But how could he not?

Even though he felt conflicted, he didn't dare utter a sound. He kept hiding himself and focused on conservation.

On the other side, the child lowered his head and told the woman, "It was all my fault. If you want revenge, take me. Why do you have to trouble him?"

"Hmm? You never said those words when other players were killed. Now you're suddenly having a change of heart? Why? You don't like him or something, do you?" The woman chuckled. "Funny, the b*stard of a king finally gives his heart to someone. I didn't know you had a heart! You'll disappear if you stop me, boy, and with your current condition, you can't even touch my hair."