A Sudden Cold Kiss

The two of them stood there silently. Xie Ai felt the other staring at him with a curious gaze. He lowered his head as he finally couldn't help but ask, "Why?"


Why would you save me despite not remembering?


He couldn't speak the next few words as he pursed his lips and averted his eyes. Silence engulfed his surroundings as he stood there, awkwardly.


He shouldn't have asked.


That was a stupid question. Why ask someone why they saved him? It was their personal matter. In any case, Yu Chen had already died. It had nothing to do with him.


Who knows? The person in front of him might not really be the Yu Chen he knew.


He tried to hypnotize himself again and again with harsh thoughts, but it all flew out of the window when he heard the other's next words: "Well… I've been here for too long to know the existence of the players and the horror worlds, but you're the first one to make me feel anxious. The moment you entered, I was already beside you."