A chaotic mess

The two of them sat in their hover car as Yu Chen tapped the automatic driving button and let the car take over. He rested in his seat and turned to Xie Ai, who was staring out the window in a daze.

As the hover car glided along the road, Xie Ai couldn't help but notice the stark differences in the surroundings. The familiar landmarks had been replaced with unfamiliar ones, leaving him bewildered.

For example, instead of that hospital, there should have been an amusement park, and instead of the shopping mall, there was supposed to be a bar and restaurant for VIP officials.

What happened to the world he knew so well? Why did it change so much?

He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

Everything felt so unreal that he even pinched himself, hoping to dispel the sense of unreality. Nope, the scene remained the same.