Your Majesty

Xie Ai said nothing as he trembled. Every word the man said was true. Nor can he do anything all alone, neither did he have the ability to make such a choice. If he had Yu Chen's soul intact in his hands, he would have done everything in his will to take him back instead.

Yu Weimin was right. Of course, they would do everything in their power to save the man, but if Yu Chen didn't want to be saved, what could they do?

No, he could beg him if possible. The cultivator Yu Chen might just agree with his words.

Xie Ai wiped his face and said, "Let me speak to him once. Just once, okay?"

Yu Weimin agreed. "Of course. Since he only listens to you, you're the right person to talk to."

"Then… what should he do?"

It was Qi Jingguo who answered this time. "What else? break whatever curse there is on this town." The corners of his lips curled up to form a crazed smile. "We have to give those insane royals a taste of their own medicine.