Ready To Die?

Xie Ai found it difficult to accept what was being said. His lower lips quivered at the thought of the man suffering throughout the years time and time again without stopping.

As he was thinking about it, he heard the woman scoffing as she said, "Too bad, he's already out of the curse. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to enter the palace like that and snatch away a player so brazenly. Someone must have helped him."

Xie Ai's mind went over to a certain garbage cleaner they talked about before separating. It couldn't be that person who took Yu Chen, could it?

The lady smiled and said, "Don't worry, his presence or absence doesn't affect the curse. The fact that your character is dead and turned into a zombie vampire thing would come true once you take my place." Her finger went to Xie Ai's cheek as she lightly tapped. "Now, be a good boy and take my place, will you?"