He's Not Yu Chen

Xie Ai finally took a deep breath and said, "Do you remember who you are?"

It felt good to be able to talk. So good that he felt choked up in his throat. He hadn't been able to speak for a long time, and now that he did, his voice was hoarse and dry as if he hadn't said anything for a while.

The man inside the prison showed a confused expression on his face momentarily and then he hammered against the bars, saying angrily, "Don't try to divert the topic! Do you have any idea for how long I've been trapped here, hungry?! C'mon, do something for me and give me something to eat!"

Xie Ai stared at the 'Yu Chen' inside the prison with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

No matter what happens, Yu Chen had never raised his voice against him. Even if he broke the man's mecha once while trying to upgrade it, that person still stayed calm and only had a helpless expression on his face.